Monday, October 12, 2009

An unlucky day

Sorry for not posting for a long time...

Today is like my worst day...
First thing in the morning... Cheryl came returning my Twinkletoes book 2. She kept reminding me to do my dare...

During listening... very boring... until text 4... not sure what it is talking about... I kept changing the answers. Then, when ms sue was teaching science... ask us to write but i not in the mood to do anything as i was having a headache...

During recess... need to do duty, very boring... waiting for the person doing 2nd shift to come... Hung Kye covered my duty point for a while as i was looking for them... they were still happily eating their food... Scolded him, and when to asked Hung Kye and Wei Jian to go for recess. We just brought our food, Hanna rang the bell... lols need to gobble our food...

Chinese lesson, listening, very boring... Jared and gang so disturbing... can't concentrate what Zhong Lao Shi was saying...

After school... Waiting for Mrs Nam yet she didn't show up... when home... at bus stop I waited very long and only bus 265 came... I decided to walk home...

At my grandma's house, my cousins were fighting dunno for what... wanted to stop them but it was impossible.

Now at home, still having headache but here i am still blogging...

Nite nite!


  1. hihi again! finally you got write new post! your english improved, good for you. hope your headache wont be so pain!

    p.s. your post title should be 'An Unlucky Day'.. not 'An Unluckily Day'. makes no sense. hehe. no offence
